"Not what you possess but what you do with what you have, determines your true worth." - Thomas Carlyle
About me
I am a programming enthusiast. I focus on Python programming. I enjoy working with the PyQt5 framework. I have worked on projects where I combined R-CNN (PyTorch) with GUI. Nowadays I have also focused on C++ and the QtCreator IDE. Also visit me on GitHub
Automotion Engineer at Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze. I developed systems in Python and SPEL+ for HW control.
IT Service Officer at Bekaert. Support for LAN, cloning and configuration of Linux operating systems.
SAU - Engineer of Information and Control Systems
SAU - Bachelor of Information and Control Systems
Technical School - Business and Services in Engineering
Apple Variety Recognizer: Uses CNN with Python, Keras and OpenCV.
Molecular Physics - A collection of solved and unsolved examples using PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Hobbies & Interests
Programming, science and technology, music, nature, swimming, aquaristics.